Our Leadership team is made up of:

Monita Atkinson – Carmel College - Senior Leadership Link

Rose-Marie Rochester – Carmel College - Maths Hub Lead and Senior Leadership Link

Kevin Beston – Carmel College – Deputy Maths Hub Lead

Vicky Cook – Carmel College- Assistant Maths Hub Lead, Secondary Teaching for Mastery

Helen Mulholland – Carmel College - Assistant Maths Hub Lead, Primary Teaching for Mastery

Gavin Whyte – Carmel College - Assistant Maths Hub Lead, Secondary Teaching for Mastery

Sam Waterfield - Durham Sixth Form Centre - Assistant Maths Hub Lead, Post 16

Jackie Springhall – Carmel College – Maths Hub Project Manager

Our Strategic Advisory Board Maths Hub has two principal reasons:

  • to ensure the Maths Hub demonstrates transparency and is open to external scrutiny regarding its work
  • to enable the Maths Hub to draw upon strategic advice and support from people with relevant specialist expertise and local knowledge



Members of our Board include:

Louise Probets -Chair - St Francis of Assisi Church of England Primary School, Dales Academies Trust

Monita Atkinson – Senior Leadership Link – Carmel College

Rachel Coning – Member - Macmillan Academy, Endeavour Academies

Vicky Cook - Member - Carmel College

Beth Dawson - Member - St Michael's English Hub

Elaine Dodsworth - Member - Carmel College

Glyn Evans – Advanced Maths Support Programme

David Hodgson - Cummins Engineering 

Rose-Marie Rochester - Member - Carmel College

Mark Tilling – Member – High Tunstall College of Science

John Westwell – Member – NCETM 

Linda Wang - Member - Durham University