Maths Hub Strategic Goals 2024/25

The Maths Hubs Network, in partnership with the NCETM, provides school-based system leadership to enable the continuous improvement of maths education for all pupils and students in all England’s schools and colleges. Maths Hubs work across all phases, from Reception through to post-16. They develop sustained relationships with schools and colleges, working with leaders and teachers to achieve strategic goals for primary schools, secondary schools, post-16 institutions (including 11-18 schools), and local leaders of mathematics education (LLME). They also develop relationships with a range of institutions in their areas to support these aims, including other providers of CPD (such as NPQ providers). Maths Hubs support schools in the areas of pupil expectations and outcomes, teaching for mastery, curriculum, professional development and expertise, and school development and collaboration.  

Primary Schools Strategic Goals: 
Maths Hubs support primary schools to: 

  1. establish a culture of high expectations for all pupils (including disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND) in which they develop deep knowledge, understanding and confidence in mathematics, succeed in National Curriculum mathematics assessments, and are well prepared for the secondary mathematics curriculum 
  1. introduce, embed, and sustain teaching for mastery approaches with fidelity and consistency, making effective use of high-quality resources  
  1. ensure their mathematics teaching is knowledge-rich and fulfils the aims of the National Curriculum: every school’s teaching containing a coherent and detailed sequence of essential content to support pupils’ progress over time 
  1. ensure all teachers of mathematics have the specialist knowledge and skills required to teach mathematics effectively 
  1. work with teachers and leaders of mathematics to establish professional cultures and practices that support ongoing development 
  1. By 2025, the aim is for 75% of primary schools to have engaged with the teaching for mastery support provided through the Maths Hubs Network.  

Secondary Schools Strategic Goals: 
Maths Hubs support secondary schools to: 

  1. establish a culture of high expectations for all students (including disadvantaged students and students with SEND) in which they develop deep knowledge, understanding and confidence in mathematics, succeed in GCSE mathematics, and are ready to continue studying mathematics post-16 
  1. introduce, embed, and sustain teaching for mastery approaches with fidelity and consistency, making effective use of high-quality resources 
  1. ensure their mathematics teaching is knowledge-rich and fulfils the aims of the National Curriculum: every school’s teaching containing a coherent and detailed sequence of essential content to support pupils’ progress, building on prior knowledge and understanding, over time 
  1. ensure all teachers of mathematics have the specialist knowledge and skills required to teach mathematics effectively 
  1. work with teachers and leaders of mathematics to establish professional cultures and practices that support ongoing development 
  1. work in a collaborative and sustained way with other schools and local leaders of mathematics education to overcome challenges and support ongoing improvement.  
  1. By 2025, the aim is for 65% of secondary schools to have engaged with the teaching for mastery support provided through the Maths Hubs Network.  

Post-16 Institutions (including 11-18 schools) Strategic Goals: 
Maths Hubs, supporting and collaborating with the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP) at Level 3 and FE colleges at GCSE resit/FSQ, support post-16 institutions to: 

  1. establish a culture of high expectations for all students (including disadvantaged students and students with SEND) in which they develop deep knowledge, understanding and confidence in mathematics, succeed in their post-16 mathematics qualifications, and are well prepared for the mathematical requirements of their future education and career pathways 
  1. develop teaching approaches consistent with teaching for mastery principles building on the work of the Centres for Excellence  
  1. ensure their mathematics provision offers a coherent and detailed sequence of essential content to support students’ progress, building on prior knowledge and understanding 
  1. ensure all teachers of mathematics in participating settings have the specialist knowledge and skills required to teach mathematics effectively 
  1. work with teachers and leaders of mathematics to establish professional cultures and practices that support ongoing development 
  1. work in a collaborative and sustained way with other schools and institutions, and local leaders of mathematics education to overcome challenges and support ongoing improvement. 
  1. that the professional development needs of those teaching GCSE resit/FSQ mathematics are addressed through support provided by Maths Hubs and other partners 
  1. for Maths Hubs to provide ongoing support for the AMSP’s work to increase participation in Level 3 mathematics courses, including Core Maths. 
  1. By 2025 a total of 150 Further Education Mastery Specialists trained and supported to embed mastery approaches in GCSE resit and FSQ provision.  

Local Leaders of Mathematics Education Strategic Goals: 
Maths Hubs identify, develop and support local leaders of mathematics education (LLME) who: 

  1. lead high-quality school and professional development in mathematics, including Teaching for Mastery Work Groups; specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics programmes; and mathematics leadership communities 
  1. establish and sustain long-term working relationships with leadership in schools and trusts, enabling them to agree the forms of support that will be most relevant for their needs 
  1. are well prepared for their role through the NCETM-accredited LLME programmes (Mastery Specialist, Professional Development Lead, and School Development Lead), and through participation in NCETM-led project communities 
  1. are supported and developed by their Maths Hub leadership through participation in their local LLME community 
  1. are fully supported in their LLME role by their own school’s leadership and have external recognition for their expert role as local leaders of mathematics education. 
  1. The ambition is for each Maths Hub to have a team of at least 50 active LLME (2,000 across the country) in any year, providing an appropriate range of expertise to address the needs of schools in the Maths Hub area.