Mathematics teachers from a school in Shanghai have arrived for a two week period teaching maths at Eldon Grove Academy, in Hartlepool.

Peng Yu-yun and Huang Wei-yi will be working and teaching alongside Valda Varadinek-Skelton (Eldon Grove Academy) and Natalie Ruddell (Cotsford Junior School, Horden) who went on a research visit to Shanghai Huangpu Luwan No. 1 Central Primary School and the First Central Primary School of Jingan District, in Shanghai, in November this year.

The exchange is part of a long-term project, run within the Maths Hubs programme, to help teachers in English schools introduce mastery approaches to teaching maths in their schools.

This is the third such exchange is being run as part of the National Maths Hubs programme, funded by the DfE, and coordinated by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM).

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